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Service d'hébergement DNS Libre et Gratuit

fns2 is dead, long live fns2! [2021-06-24]
OVH has finally refused to restore the service under old IP. Since they have not replied to my questions regarding continued sponsorship, and since they have offered a compensation voucher for the fire destruction, I have just bought a VPS on my own. has new IPs: & 2001:41d0:701:1100::66c
For most of you, things will just start working as they were before. But there will be some that will have to fix the IP in various places, e.g.:
  • firewalls
  • hidden master DNS setup
  • DNS server ACLs (allow-transfer, also-notify, etc)
  • if you used your own NS name with old IP instead of name (update glue as well)
fns2 failure [2021-03-10]
fns2 is hosted at OVH, unfortunately at SBG2 which was destroyed by the fire. Awaiting replacements.
CAA records [2017-09-19]
FreeDNS now supports CAA records. You can enable them in user options.
FNS2 IP change [2017-01-23]
New IP for is and 2001:41d0:1000:2ada::42
Everything should be working now. Please make necessary changes at your domain providers, ISPs, firewalls, etc.
Ceci est un service gratuit de gestion DNS fourni par
Essayez de vous debrouiller avec l'interface, cela devrait etre assez facile.
/PL/ A jesli jestes Polakiem i widzisz ten komunikat, to oznacza, ze jezyk polski nie jest domyslnym jezykiem w przegladarce! Warto to sobie poprawic tak czy inaczej. :-)

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Pour des problèmes concernant le logiciel FreeDNS::42, contactez-nous à l'adresse ‮lp.24@sndeerf
